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这篇文章旨在成为一份动态文档,定义 NFT 协议治理模型的当前状态,因为它通过关于模型最佳治理实践的元治理话语随着时间的推移而演变。

NFT 协议社区可以使用多个治理场所,用于以下目的:

  1. gov.nft.org 7 - 这是 NFT 协议的治理论坛,用于元治理讨论和具体治理提案的讨论。

  2. 快照 7- Snapshot 是一个简单的投票界面,用于对治理提案进行链下投票。投票按 $NFT 代币持有量加权。


步骤 1) 温度检查



  1. gov.nft.org上向社区提出一个一般性、无偏见的问题 3关于潜在的变化(例如:“NFT 协议应该建立在 XYZ 链上吗?”)。论坛帖子应标记如下:“温度检查 - [您的标题]”。论坛帖子应包含指向相关快照投票的链接。

  2. 选民使用快照来表明他们有兴趣将其推进到下一阶段。快照轮询长度应设置为 3 天。

如果温度检查以至少 50,000 美元的 NFT 代币赞成票赢得投票,则认为温度检查已为下一阶段获得足够的支持。

如果温度检查失败,相应的治理论坛线程将被关闭。如果温度检查成功,则进入第 2 步:共识检查。

步骤 2) 共识检查



  1. 使用温度检查帖子的反馈创建新的快照投票,其中包括在温度检查中获得支持的提案详细信息。该民意调查可以是二选一或多项选择,但应包括“不做任何更改”或其等效选项。将轮询持续时间设置为 5 天。

  2. gov.nft.org上的提案讨论类别中创建一个新主题 3标题为“共识检查 - [您的标题]”。这将提醒社区此主题已通过温度检查。任何以 Consensus Check 开头但未通过温度检查的主题将立即被社区版主删除。确保讨论线程链接到新的快照投票和温度检查线程。

  3. 联系更大的社区,为您的提案建立支持。讨论该提案并征求 $NFT 持有者对其进行投票。愿意回答有关共识检查主题的问题。尽管尽量保持公正,但请分享您的观点。

5 天后,Snapshot 投票结束,获得多数票的选项获胜,可以包含在第 3 步的治理提案中。 共识检查需要 100,000 美元的 NFT 代币是投票法定人数才能通过。


步骤 3) 治理提案

这是治理过程的最后一步。提案应基于共识检查的获胜结果,可以由一个或多个操作组成,每个提案最多 10 个操作。


  1. 如果您的提案涉及对 NFT 协议代码库的更改,请为您的提案编写代码。所有提议的代码都应由专业审计师进行审计。审计过程可以由治理池支付或报销。

  2. 创建一个 Snapshot 投票,详细概述您的提案、相关治理论坛主题和之前 Snapshot 投票的链接,以及您的代码和代码审计报告(如果适用)。此步骤的提案应持续 7 天。

  3. gov.nft.org上的提案讨论类别中创建一个主题 3标题为“治理提案 [提案编号] — [您的职位]”并链接到任何相关的 Snapshot 投票/讨论主题以及您的代码和代码审计报告(如果适用)。提案编号应采用“NFTP###”格式。例如,第一个 NFT 协议提案应命名为 NFTP001,第二个 NFTP002,依此类推。以“治理提案”开头且内容未成功通过温度检查和共识检查阶段的主题将被社区版主删除。

正在进行的讨论可以在gov.nft.org 上进行 3整个7天的论坛。如果提案以所有 NFT 代币(约 444.4 万个代币)的 5% 的法定人数成功通过,它将被批准并纳入 NFT 协议开发管道。


上述过程将通过在 NFT 协议治理论坛的元治理部分进行的关于 NFT 协议治理模型的持续讨论来永久告知。

其中,NFT 协议社区应该讨论新的治理模型思想和策略、法定人数要求的变化等。


  • $NFT - NFT 协议的 ERC-20 治理代币,在治理方面,指定用户投票权的权重。用户钱包中的 NFT 美元越多,他们对给定提案的投票权重就越大。

  • 提案 - 提案决定了 NFT 协议产品的特性、开发和运营。例如,$NFT 持有者可以提出协议的新功能、与其他协议或项目的集成以及有利于协议的治理池支出。特别欢迎希望为协议做出贡献的开发人员提出的建议。

  • 法定人数 - 为使投票结果有效而对给定提案或提案项目投出的最少票数。治理流程的每个步骤都有自己的法定人数,如上述流程所述。法定人数确保只有具有足够 $NFT 代币持有者支持的提案才能被批准。



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May 26

This post is intended to be a living document defining the current status of the NFT Protocol governance model as it evolves over time through Meta-Governance discourse regarding best governance practices for the model.

Several venues for governance are available to the NFT Protocol community and serve the following purposes:

  1. gov.nft.org 7 - This is NFT Protocol’s governance forum for meta-governance discussion and discussion of specific governance proposals.

  2. Snapshot 7 - Snapshot is a simple voting interface for off-chain voting on governance proposals. Votes are weighted by $NFT token holdings.


Step 1) Temperature Check

The purpose of a Temperature Check is to gauge initial sentiment towards a given proposal.

How to create a Temperature Check:

  1. Ask a general, non-biased question to the community on gov.nft.org 3 about a potential change (example: “Should NFT Protocol build on XYZ chain?”). Forum posts should be labeled as follows: “Temperature Check - [Your Title Here]”. The forum post should include a link to the associated Snapshot poll.

  2. Voters use Snapshot to indicate their interest in bringing it forward to the next stage. Snapshot poll lengths should be set to 3 days.

A Temperature Check is considered to have garnered enough support for the next phase if it wins the vote with a minimum 50,000 $NFT token yes-vote.

If the Temperature Check fails the corresponding governance forum thread will be closed. If the Temperature Check succeeds it proceeds to Step 2: Consensus Check.

Step 2) Consensus Check

The purpose of Consensus Check is to establish formal discussion around a given proposal.

To create a Consensus Check:

  1. Use feedback from the Temperature Check post to create a new Snapshot poll including the proposal details which earned support in the Temperature Check. This poll can either be binary or multiple choice but should include the option “Make No Change” or its equivalent. Set the poll duration to 5 days.

  2. Create a new topic in the Proposal Discussion category on gov.nft.org 3 titled “Consensus Check — [Your Title Here]”. This will alert the community that this topic has already passed Temperature Check. Any topics beginning with Consensus Check that have not passed Temperature Check will be immediately removed by community moderators. Make sure that the discussion thread links to the new Snapshot poll and the Temperature Check thread.

  3. Reach out to the larger community to build support for your proposal. Discuss the proposal and solicit $NFT holders to vote on it. Be willing to respond to questions on the Consensus Check topic. Share your point of view though try to remain as impartial as possible.

After 5 days and the Snapshot poll closes, whichever option has the majority of votes wins and can be included in a governance proposal for Step 3. A 100,000 $NFT token yes-vote quorum is required for the Consensus Check to pass.

If the option “Make No Change” wins the Consensus Check topic will be closed by community moderators.

Step 3) Governance Proposal

This is the final step of the governance process. The proposal should be based on the winning outcome from the Consensus Check and can consist of one or multiple actions, up to a maximum of 10 actions per proposal.

To create a Governance Proposal:

  1. If your proposal involves changes to the NFT Protocol codebase, write the code for your proposal. All proposed code should be audited by a professional auditor. The auditing process could be paid or reimbursed by the governance pool.

  2. Create a Snapshot vote outlining your proposal in detail, relevant governance forum threads and links to previous Snapshot votes and, if applicable, your code and code audit report. Proposals at this step should last for 7 days.

  3. Create a topic in the Proposal Discussion category on gov.nft.org 3 titled “Governance Proposal [Proposal Number] — [Your Title Here]” and link to any relevant Snapshot polls/discussion threads as well as your code and code audit report if applicable. Proposal numbers should be in a “NFTP###” format. For example, the first NFT Protocol proposal should be titled NFTP001, the second NFTP002, and so on. Topics that begin with “Governance Proposal” whose contents have not successfully passed the Temperature Check and Consensus Check stages will be removed by community moderators.

Ongoing discussion can take place in the gov.nft.org 3 forum throughout the 7 day period. If the proposal passes successfully with a quorum of 5% of all $NFT tokens (~4.444 million tokens) it is ratified and incorporated into the NFT Protocol development pipeline.


The process described above is to be informed in perpetuity by ongoing discussions regarding the NFT Protocol governance model to take place in the Meta-Governance section of the NFT Protocol governance forum.

Therein the NFT Protocol community should discuss new governance model ideas and strategies, changes to the quorum requirements, etc.


  • $NFT - NFT Protocol’s ERC-20 governance token that, with respect to governance, designates the weight of a user’s voting rights. The more $NFT a user has in their wallet, the more weight their vote on a given proposal has.

  • Proposal - proposals are what determine the characteristics, development and operation of NFT Protocol’s products. $NFT holders can propose, for example, new features for the protocol, integrations with other protocols or projects, and governance pool expenditures that benefit the protocol. Proposals from developers looking to contribute to the protocol are particularly welcome.

  • Quorom - The minimum number of votes cast towards a given proposal or proposal item in order for the voting results to be considered valid. Each Step of the governance process has its own quorum outlined in the process above. The quorum ensures that only proposals with sufficient $NFT token holder support are ratified.