
2022 年 4 月 1 日查看所有帖子

多年来,我们一直听说未来是区块链,而不是比特币世界的未来不会是一种主要的加密货币,甚至不是几种,而是许多加密货币——获胜者将在一个中央屋檐下拥有强大的领导力,以迅速适应用户对规模的需求。比特币是一种新兴的代 ,以太坊很快就会紧随其后;它将是更新、更有活力的资产,吸引新一波大众用户,他们不关心怪异的自由主义意识形态或“自我主权验证”,被毒性和反政府心态关闭,只想要区块链 Defi 和快速有效的游戏







资料来源:https ://www.blackgate.com/2014/12/23/frodo-baggins-lady-galadriel-and-the-games-of-the-mighty/




  • 区块链要求每笔交易都经过数千次独立验证才能被接受。
  • 与在几百毫秒内确认交易的集中式系统不同,区块链要求用户等待 10 秒到 10 分钟的任何时间才能获得确认。
  • 区块链要求用户完全负责验证自己:如果你丢失了密钥,你就会丢失你的硬币。
  • 区块链牺牲了隐私,需要更疯狂、更昂贵的技术来恢复隐私。


出色地完成这项任务需要两个关键要素:(i)强大且可防御的技术堆栈和 (ii)强大且可防御的文化强大且可防御的技术堆栈的关键特性是关注简单性深度数学纯度:1 MB 块大小、2100 万硬币限制和简单的 Nakamoto 共识工作机制证明,即使是高中生也可以理解。协议设计必须易于证明几十年和几个世纪以来的合理性;技术和参数的选择必须是一件艺术品





不相信这是有代表性的吗?好吧,让我们再问问 Kevin Pham:


现在,你可能会说,这只是以太坊的人在玩,最终他们明白他们必须做什么以及他们正在处理什么。但是他们呢?让我们看看以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin 和哪些人一起玩:


Vitalik 在中国北京与精英科技 CEO 一起闲逛。




Vitalik 会见了耶路撒冷市长 Nir ​​Bakrat。




Vitalik 向 Google 前首席执行官兼美国国防部顾问 Eric Sc​​hmidt 打招呼。


Vitalik 与台湾数字部长 Audrey Tang 进行了多次会面,这是他的第一次会面。




而这只是一个很小的选择。任何看到这个的人都应该问的直接问题是:与所有这些人公开会面到底有什么意义其中一些人是非常正派的企业家和政治家,但其他人则积极参与 Vitalik 肯定不支持的严重侵犯人权行为。Vitalik 是否没有意识到这些人中有多少在地缘政治上处于彼此的喉咙?

现在,也许他只是一个相信与人交谈以帮助实现世界和平的理想主义者,以及弗雷德里克道格拉斯“与任何人一起做对的人,没有人做错的事”的格言的追随者。但还有一个更简单的假设:Vitalik 是一个嬉皮士般的环球旅行快感和追求地位的人,他非常喜欢与重要人物见面并感到受到尊重不仅是 Vitalik;像 Consensys 这样的公司非常乐意与沙特阿拉伯合作,整个生态系统一直在努力寻找主流数据进行验证。

现在问自己一个问题:当时机成熟时,区块链上正在发生真正重要的事情——实际上是冒犯有权有势的人的重要事情——哪个生态系统更愿意放下脚来拒绝审查它们,无论多么压力是施加在他们身上的吗?拥有真正关心成为每个人的朋友的环球游牧民族的生态系统,还是拥有 AR15 和斧头作为业余爱好的人的生态系统?



  • 发行代币
  • 金融衍生品
  • 稳定币
  • 身份和声誉系统
  • 去中心化文件存储
  • 去中心化自治组织 (DAO)
  • 点对点赌博
  • 预测市场


事实证明,到目前为止,最成功的是存储财富和支付。3% 的阿根廷人拥有加密货币,6% 的尼日利亚人12% 的乌克兰人拥有加密货币。到目前为止,政府使用区块链来完成今天有用的事情的最大例子是向乌克兰政府捐赠的加密货币,如果包括对与乌克兰相关的非政府组织的捐赠,它已经筹集了超过 1 亿美元。



有什么其他应用程序在任何地方接近今天的实际采用水平?也许最接近的是ENSDAO 是真实存在且不断增长的,但如今,它们中的太多吸引了富裕的富国人民,他们的主要兴趣是享受乐趣和使用卡通人物形象来满足他们第一世界对自我表达的需求,而不是建立学校和医院和解决其他现实世界的问题。









以太坊与矿工可提取价值(MEV)的斗争就是这个问题在实践中出现的一个很好的例子。在以太坊中很容易构建应用程序,让下一个与某些合约交互的人获得可观的奖励,导致交易者和矿工争夺它,并大大增加了网络中心化风险并需要复杂的解决方法在比特币中,构建这种具有系统风险的应用程序很困难,这在很大程度上是因为比特币缺乏丰富的状态性,并且专注于简单(且无 MEV)的用例,即货币


在很多方面,系统性影响是真实存在的,货币不可能“启用”高度复杂和风险分散的应用程序的生态系统,而这种复杂性不会以某种方式对其进行反击。比特币是安全的选择。如果以太坊继续其以第 2 层为中心的方法,ETH-the-currency可能会与它所启用的应用程序生态系统保持一定距离,从而获得一些保护。另一方面,所谓的高性能第 1 层平台则没有机会。



然而,一旦技术充分证明了自己,规范就会出现——在互联网文化中,这一事件通常被称为永恒的九月这些不仅仅是普通的善良规范,他们想要感受一些令人兴奋的事情的一部分,而且是商业规范,穿着西装,他们开始在生态系统中搜寻赚钱的方法 - 与风险投资家的军队一样渴望创造自己的资金在场外支持他们。在极端情况下,彻头彻尾的骗子进来,创建没有赎回社会或技术价值的区块链,这基本上是边缘骗局。但现实是,“利他主义理想主义者”和“骗子”的界限确实是一个光谱。而且,生态系统持续运行的时间越长,任何利他方面的新项目就越难启动。








比特币毒性的案例源于Conquest 的第二定律在罗伯特·康奎斯特最初的表述中,法律规定“任何组织在宪法上没有明确地右翼,迟早会变成左翼”。但实际上,这只是更普遍模式的一个特例,在无情地同质化和墨守成规的社交媒体的现代时代,它比以往任何时候都更加重要:








  • 诈骗者,他们制造和销售最终毫无价值(或更糟的是,有害)但为了合法性而坚持“加密”和“去中心化”品牌(以及高度抽象的人文主义和友谊观念)的项目。
  • 合作主义,他们公开和大声地表明与政府合作的美德信号,并积极试图说服政府对其竞争对手使用强制性武力。
  • 社团主义者,他们试图利用他们的资源来接管区块链的开发,并经常推动实现集中化的协议更改。



















In Defense of Bitcoin Maximalism

2022 Apr 01See all posts

We've been hearing for years that the future is blockchain, not Bitcoin. The future of the world won't be one major cryptocurrency, or even a few, but many cryptocurrencies - and the winning ones will have strong leadership under one central roof to adapt rapidly to users' needs for scale. Bitcoin is a boomer coin, and Ethereum is soon to follow; it will be newer and more energetic assets that attract the new waves of mass users who don't care about weird libertarian ideology or "self-sovereign verification", are turned off by toxicity and anti-government mentality, and just want blockchain defi and games that are fast and work.

But what if this narrative is all wrong, and the ideas, habits and practices of Bitcoin maximalism are in fact pretty close to correct? What if Bitcoin is far more than an outdated pet rock tied to a network effect? What if Bitcoin maximalists actually deeply understand that they are operating in a very hostile and uncertain world where there are things that need to be fought for, and their actions, personalities and opinions on protocol design deeply reflect that fact? What if we live in a world of honest cryptocurrencies (of which there are very few) and grifter cryptocurrencies (of which there are very many), and a healthy dose of intolerance is in fact necessary to prevent the former from sliding into the latter? That is the argument that this post will make.

We live in a dangerous world, and protecting freedom is serious business

Hopefully, this is much more obvious now than it was six weeks ago, when many people still seriously thought that Vladimir Putin is a misunderstood and kindly character who is merely trying to protect Russia and save Western Civilization from the gaypocalypse. But it's still worth repeating. We live in a dangerous world, where there are plenty of bad-faith actors who do not listen to compassion and reason.

A blockchain is at its core a security technology - a technology that is fundamentally all about protecting people and helping them survive in such an unfriendly world. It is, like the Phial of Galadriel, "a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out". It is not a low-cost light, or a fluorescent hippie energy-efficient light, or a high-performance light. It is a light that sacrifices on all of those dimensions to optimize for one thing and one thing only: to be a light that does when it needs to do when you're facing the toughest challenge of your life and there is a friggin twenty foot spider staring at you in the face.



Source: https://www.blackgate.com/2014/12/23/frodo-baggins-lady-galadriel-and-the-games-of-the-mighty/


Blockchains are being used every day by unbanked and underbanked people, by activists, by sex workers, by refugees, and by many other groups either who are uninteresting for profit-seeking centralized financial institutions to serve, or who have enemies that don't want them to be served. They are used as a primary lifeline by many people to make their payments and store their savings.

And to that end, public blockchains sacrifice a lot for security:

  • Blockchains require each transaction to be independently verified thousands of times to be accepted.
  • Unlike centralized systems that confirm transactions in a few hundred milliseconds, blockchains require users to wait anywhere from 10 seconds to 10 minutes to get a confirmation.
  • Blockchains require users to be fully in charge of authenticating themselves: if you lose your key, you lose your coins.
  • Blockchains sacrifice privacy, requiring even crazier and more expensive technology to get that privacy back.

What are all of these sacrifices for? To create a system that can survive in an unfriendly world, and actually do the job of being "a light in dark places, when all other lights go out".

Excellent at that task requires two key ingredients: (i) a robust and defensible technology stack and (ii) a robust and defensible culture. The key property to have in a robust and defensible technology stack is a focus on simplicity and deep mathematical purity: a 1 MB block size, a 21 million coin limit, and a simple Nakamoto consensus proof of work mechanism that even a high school student can understand. The protocol design must be easy to justify decades and centuries down the line; the technology and parameter choices must be a work of art.

The second ingredient is the culture of uncompromising, steadfast minimalism. This must be a culture that can stand unyieldingly in defending itself against corporate and government actors trying to co-opt the ecosystem from outside, as well as bad actors inside the crypto space trying to exploit it for personal profit, of which there are many.

Now, what do Bitcoin and Ethereum culture actually look like? Well, let's ask Kevin Pham:



Don't believe this is representative? Well, let's ask Kevin Pham again:


Now, you might say, this is just Ethereum people having fun, and at the end of the day they understand what they have to do and what they are dealing with. But do they? Let's look at the kinds of people that Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum, hangs out with:


Vitalik hangs out with elite tech CEOs in Beijing, China.


Vitalik meets Vladimir Putin in Russia.


Vitalik meets Nir Bakrat, mayor of Jerusalem.


Vitalik shakes hands with Argentinian former president Mauricio Macri.


Vitalik gives a friendly hello to Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google and advisor to US Department of Defense.


Vitalik has his first of many meetings with Audrey Tang, digital minister of Taiwan.




And this is only a small selection. The immediate question that anyone looking at this should ask is: what the hell is the point of publicly meeting with all these people? Some of these people are very decent entrepreneurs and politicians, but others are actively involved in serious human rights abuses that Vitalik certainly does not support. Does Vitalik not realize just how much some of these people are geopolitically at each other's throats?

Now, maybe he is just an idealistic person who believes in talking to people to help bring about world peace, and a follower of Frederick Douglass's dictum to "unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong". But there's also a simpler hypothesis: Vitalik is a hippy-happy globetrotting pleasure and status-seeker, and he deeply enjoys meeting and feeling respected by people who are important. And it's not just Vitalik; companies like Consensys are totally happy to partner with Saudi Arabia, and the ecosystem as a whole keeps trying to look to mainstream figures for validation.

Now ask yourself the question: when the time comes, actually important things are happening on the blockchain - actually important things that offend people who are powerful - which ecosystem would be more willing to put its foot down and refuse to censor them no matter how much pressure is applied on them to do so? The ecosystem with globe-trotting nomads who really really care about being everyone's friend, or the ecosystem with people who take pictures of themslves with an AR15 and an axe as a side hobby?

Currency is not "just the first app". It's by far the most successful one.

Many people of the "blockchain, not Bitcoin" persuasion argue that cryptocurrency is the first application of blockchains, but it's a very boring one, and the true potential of blockchains lies in bigger and more exciting things. Let's go through the list of applications in the Ethereum whitepaper:

  • Issuing tokens
  • Financial derivatives
  • Stablecoins
  • Identity and reputation systems
  • Decentralized file storage
  • Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs)
  • Peer-to-peer gambling
  • Prediction markets

Many of these categories have applications that have launched and that have at least some users. That said, cryptocurrency people really value empowering under-banked people in the "Global South". Which of these applications actually have lots of users in the Global South?

As it turns out, by far the most successful one is storing wealth and payments. 3% of Argentinians own cryptocurrency, as do 6% of Nigerians and 12% of people in Ukraine. By far the biggest instance of a government using blockchains to accomplish something useful today is cryptocurrency donations to the government of Ukraine, which have raised more than $100 million if you include donations to non-governmental Ukraine-related efforts.



What other application has anywhere close to that level of actual, real adoption today? Perhaps the closest is ENS. DAOs are real and growing, but today far too many of them are appealing to wealthy rich-country people whose main interest is having fun and using cartoon-character profiles to satisfy their first-world need for self-expression, and not build schools and hospitals and solve other real world problems.

Thus, we can see the two sides pretty clearly: team "blockchain", privileged people in wealthy countries who love to virtue-signal about "moving beyond money and capitalism" and can't help being excited about "decentralized governance experimentation" as a hobby, and team "Bitcoin", a highly diverse group of both rich and poor people in many countries around the world including the Global South, who are actually using the capitalist tool of free self-sovereign money to provide real value to human beings today.

Focusing exclusively on being money makes for better money

A common misconception about why Bitcoin does not support "richly stateful" smart contracts goes as follows. Bitcoin really really values being simple, and particularly having low technical complexity, to reduce the chance that something will go wrong. As a result, it doesn't want to add the more complicated features and opcodes that are necessary to be able to support more complicated smart contracts in Ethereum.

This misconception is, of course, wrong. In fact, there are plenty of ways to add rich statefulness into Bitcoin; search for the word "covenants" in Bitcoin chat archives to see many proposals being discussed. And many of these proposals are surprisingly simple. The reason why covenants have not been added is not that Bitcoin developers see the value in rich statefulness but find even a little bit more protocol complexity intolerable. Rather, it's because Bitcoin developers are worried about the risks of the systemic complexity that rich statefulness being possible would introduce into the ecosystem!



A recent paper by Bitcoin researchers describes some ways to introduce covenants to add some degree of rich statefulness to Bitcoin.


Ethereum's battle with miner-extractable value (MEV) is an excellent example of this problem appearing in practice. It's very easy in Ethereum to build applications where the next person to interact with some contract gets a substantial reward, causing transactors and miners to fight over it, and contributing greatly to network centralization risk and requiring complicated workarounds. In Bitcoin, building such systemically risky applications is hard, in large part because Bitcoin lacks rich statefulness and focuses on the simple (and MEV-free) use case of just being money.

Systemic contagion can happen in non-technical ways too. Bitcoin just being money means that Bitcoin requires relatively few developers, helping to reduce the risk that developers will start demanding to print themselves free money to build new protocol features. Bitcoin just being money reduces pressure for core developers to keep adding features to "keep up with the competition" and "serve developers' needs".

In so many ways, systemic effects are real, and it's just not possible for a currency to "enable" an ecosystem of highly complex and risky decentralized applications without that complexity biting it back somehow. Bitcoin makes the safe choice. If Ethereum continues its layer-2-centric approach, ETH-the-currency may gain some distance from the application ecosystem that it's enabling and thereby get some protection. So-called high-performance layer-1 platforms, on the other hand, stand no chance.

In general, the earliest projects in an industry are the most "genuine"

Many industries and fields follow a similar pattern. First, some new exciting technology either gets invented, or gets a big leap of improvement to the point where it's actually usable for something. At the beginning, the technology is still clunky, it is too risky for almost anyone to touch as an investment, and there is no "social proof" that people can use it to become successful. As a result, the first people involved are going to be the idealists, tech geeks and others who are genuinely excited about the technology and its potential to improve society.

Once the technology proves itself enough, however, the normies come in - an event that in internet culture is often called Eternal September. And these are not just regular kindly normies who want to feel part of something exciting, but business normies, wearing suits, who start scouring the ecosystem wolf-eyed for ways to make money - with armies of venture capitalists just as eager to make their own money supporting them from the sidelines. In the extreme cases, outright grifters come in, creating blockchains with no redeeming social or technical value which are basically borderline scams. But the reality is that the line from "altruistic idealist" and "grifter" is really a spectrum. And the longer an ecosystem keeps going, the harder it is for any new project on the altruistic side of the spectrum to get going.

One noisy proxy for the blockchain industry's slow replacement of philosophical and idealistic values with short-term profit-seeking values is the larger and larger size of premines: the allocations that developers of a cryptocurrency give to themselves.


Source for insider allocations: Messari.


Which blockchain communities deeply value self-sovereignty, privacy and decentralization, and are making to get big sacrifices to get it? And which blockchain communities are just trying to pump up their market caps and make money for founders and investors? The above chart should make it pretty clear.

Intolerance is good

The above makes it clear why Bitcoin's status as the first cryptocurrency gives it unique advantages that are extremely difficult for any cryptocurrency created within the last five years to replicate. But now we get to the biggest objection against Bitcoin maximalist culture: why is it so toxic?

The case for Bitcoin toxicity stems from Conquest's second law. In Robert Conquest's original formulation, the law says that "any organization not explicitly and constitutionally right-wing will sooner or later become left-wing". But really, this is just a special case of a much more general pattern, and one that in the modern age of relentlessly homogenizing and conformist social media is more relevant than ever:

If you want to retain an identity that is different from the mainstream, then you need a really strong culture that actively resists and fights assimilation into the mainstream every time it tries to assert its hegemony.

Blockchains are, as I mentioned above, very fundamentally and explicitly a counterculture movement that is trying to create and preserve something different from the mainstream. At a time when the world is splitting up into great power blocs that actively suppress social and economic interaction between them, blockchains are one of the very few things that can remain global. At a time when more and more people are reaching for censorship to defeat their short-term enemies, blockchains steadfastly continue to censor nothing.



The only correct way to respond to "reasonable adults" trying to tell you that to "become mainstream" you have to compromise on your "extreme" values. Because once you compromise once, you can't stop.


Blockchain communities also have to fight bad actors on the inside. Bad actors include:

  • Scammers, who make and sell projects that are ultimately valueless (or worse, actively harmful) but cling to the "crypto" and "decentralization" brand (as well as highly abstract ideas of humanism and friendship) for legitimacy.
  • Collaborationists, who publicly and loudly virtue-signal about working together with governments and actively try to convince governments to use coercive force against their competitors.
  • Corporatists, who try to use their resources to take over the development of blockchains, and often push for protocol changes that enable centralization.

One could stand against all of these actors with a smiling face, politely telling the world why they "disagree with their priorities". But this is unrealistic: the bad actors will try hard to embed themselves into your community, and at that point it becomes psychologically hard to criticize them with the sufficient level of scorn that they truly require: the people you're criticizing are friends of your friends. And so any culture that values agreeableness will simply fold before the challenge, and let scammers roam freely through the wallets of innocent newbies.

What kind of culture won't fold? A culture that is willing and eager to tell both scammers on the inside and powerful opponents on the outside to go the way of the Russian warship.

Weird crusades against seed oils are good

One powerful bonding tool to help a community maintain internal cohesion around its distinctive values, and avoid falling into the morass that is the mainstream, is weird beliefs and crusades that are in a similar spirit, even if not directly related, to the core mission. Ideally, these crusades should be at least partially correct, poking at a genuine blind spot or inconsistency of mainstream values.

The Bitcoin community is good at this. Their most recent crusade is a war against seed oils, oils derived from vegetable seeds high in omega-6 fatty acids that are harmful to human health.



This Bitcoiner crusade gets treated skeptically when reviewed in the media, but the media treats the topic much more favorably when "respectable" tech firms are tackling it. The crusade helps to remind Bitcoiners that the mainstream media is fundamentally tribal and hypocritical, and so the media's shrill attempts to slander cryptocurrency as being primarily for money laundering and terrorism should be treated with the same level of scorn.

Be a maximalist

Maximalism is often derided in the media as both a dangerous toxic right-wing cult, and as a paper tiger that will disappear as soon as some other cryptocurrency comes in and takes over Bitcoin's supreme network effect. But the reality is that none of the arguments for maximalism that I describe above depend at all on network effects. Network effects really are logarithmic, not quadratic: once a cryptocurrency is "big enough", it has enough liquidity to function and multi-cryptocurrency payment processors will easily add it to their collection. But the claim that Bitcoin is an outdated pet rock and its value derives entirely from a walking-zombie network effect that just needs a little push to collapse is similarly completely wrong.

Crypto-assets like Bitcoin have real cultural and structural advantages that make them powerful assets worth holding and using. Bitcoin is an excellent example of the category, though it's certainly not the only one; other honorable cryptocurrencies do exist, and maximalists have been willing to support and use them. Maximalism is not just Bitcoin-for-the-sake-of-Bitcoin; rather, it's a very genuine realization that most other cryptoassets are scams, and a culture of intolerance is unavoidable and necessary to protect newbies and make sure at least one corner of that space continues to be a corner worth living in.

It's better to mislead ten newbies into avoiding an investment that turns out good than it is to allow a single newbie to get bankrupted by a grifter.

It's better to make your protocol too simple and fail to serve ten low-value short-attention-span gambling applications than it is to make it too complex and fail to serve the central sound money use case that underpins everything else.

And it's better to offend millions by standing aggressively for what you believe in than it is to try to keep everyone happy and end up standing for nothing.


Be brave. Fight for your values. Be a maximalist.