While buying VC with real cash is the most straightforward and simple method to earn VC but it's not advised to do it NBA 2K24 MT. Instead, you can utilize the free-to-play methods mentioned below.Playing MyCareeris arguably one of the best ways to earn VC within the game. If you play regularly, MyCareer can earn a decent amount of VC and will be your primary way of making VC. Furthermore, the higher the difficulty of MyCareer the higher VC you will get.


Playing Now online matches- Each game that you participate during the Play Now online match will net you 400 VC If you manage to win you'll also earn extra VC.NBA 2KTV- Just by answering trivia questions in NBA2KTV will net you VC. While the amount you earn might not be significant however, it's a decent opportunity to earn VC while trying to test your basketball knowledge.Claiming Daily Rewards- While not guaranteed, there is a chance you get VC via Daily Rewards. There are also daily Pick 'Em games in the city that can net you VC in the event that you win.


Locker CodesThese are the specific codes handed out by the developers occasionally. You can redeem these codes for various rewards, which include VC.Ultimately you'll collect VC over the course of the game. You can also buy VC through the in-game shop in case needed.Breaking down all NBA 2K24 has to offer.


While Nintendo players all over the world are anticipating September. 9th, which is the launch day of Splatoon 3. that's far from the sole game that's going to be available on the Switch the day of. Basketball fans will also have the opportunity to pick the game NBA 2K24. and it is apparent that this year's game has many new games to look forward to.


In a new video series, GameSpot dives into NBA 2K24 to talk about what's been updated since last year's edition. Sure, the standard modifications like roster overhauls or changes to stats are included but there's more to it more than this. The latest installment of the NBA 2K series allows you to experience the legendary players, experience a new MyPlayer option 2K24 MT, as well as more.