So you’re new to Path of Exile and you just POE Currency learned that the currency in-game isn’t as traditional as the other games you’re used to playing, and now you want to know more about it.

Perhaps you’ve been playing for PoE for a while and are now looking for a safe and secure way to buy PoE currency without feeling like your life savings are in grave danger.

Well, worry no more, as our team at SSE Gold have written this article to enlighten you on everything there is to know about the PoE Orbs currency market, as well as the best place that you can buy PoE currency from.

So without further ado, let’s hop right into it!

What is PoE Currency?

Yes, it is true that PoE doesn’t possess your conventional ‘gold’ as the currency for the game. So now you’re wondering what exactly the PoE currency market revolves around?

PoE boasts an interesting system in which items used for crafting also work as the game’s currency. All of the PoE currency trade revolves around these crafting items, which basically means that the currency in PoE will never really get outdated, which is often what happens with other games.

The most common crafting item that circulates in the PoE currency trade are Orb like PoE chaos orbs, Poe exalted orbs and etc. There exist more than 20 different currency orbs, each with different values, demands, and optimal ways of spending.

Tips and Methods to Get Free PoE Currency.

We would all love some free PoE currency, now wouldn’t we? While the tips we elaborate on below are not ‘free’ ways to get PoE currency, they certainly are hacks that will make getting that moolah so effortless that you’ll feel like it’s free!

Gaining Experience.

If you want to succeed in PoE currency trade, you’re going to have to learn the ins and outs of the game. Crafting is an amazing and easy way to make PoE currency, but if you have no idea on what bases to take, what stats to look for, what the current meta is, and so on, then you’re going to have a very tough time.

Just play the game. Farming, mapping, crafting, while gaining crucial knowledge and experience along the way is essential to start gaining PoE currency effortlessly.

Probably the easiest way to make PoE currency through the PoE currency trade. This is a waiting man’s game, and you have to wait until people sell their items for lower prices than they actually possess. If someone who doesn’t know their prices sells an expensive item for a low price, you can buy it and sell it immediately for a much higher price.

The PoE currency market requires you to have extensive knowledge of items and how much they sell for, but if you’re well-versed with the PoE currency trade then this is probably as free of method to earn money as you will get.

Boss Farming。

Another very lucrative way to get PoE currency is offering boss farming services to players. You will need to be a high level or a capped player with decent enough gear to get the job done quickly, while knowing the best way to kill the bosses so that your customers get what they’re paying for.

Once you have that down, you have an effortless way to get some solid PoE currency in short amounts of time, with minimal efforts required.

Let’s be honest here, enough with the tips and tricks we have mentioned above, what use will they be of you when you are a new player looking for PoE currency? If you have little to no experience in the PoE currency trade, your next best option is to buy PoE currency.

Sure, you can play the game and gain experience on how to efficiently get PoE currency and learn how to trade in the PoE Currency market, but not everybody has the time, now do they?

Where and How Can One Buy PoE Currency?

If you haven’t already seen them before, there are tons of PoE currency sellers within the game itself, waiting to sell you orbs and such as soon as you mention that you are looking to buy PoE currency. These people cannot be trusted though, as they are the main places where POE Items new players get scammed.